Theological Latin
Online Latin Course
Latin has been the language of the Church for nearly two thousand years. Too often theologians and students of theology are forced to rely on translations of the most fundamental works in Church History. Can you imagine reading Augustine's Confessions in his own language? Can you imagine reading Luther's lectures as they would have been delivered? Insight into a language gives insight into the mind and meaning of that work that a translation simply cannot. Translations must always make sacrifices and will inevitably tend toward an interpretation. The only bridge to truly understanding an ancient Father of the Church on a deep level is to hear him in his own words, in his own language. Latin is the key to the past which sheds light on the present and future. If this sounds interesting, then I encourage you to study this venerable language with me. New vocabulary and grammar will be offered through weekly online video instruction, which you can watch and review in your own time. Twice per week we'll meet in a Zoom Class for translation of Scripture and theological texts.
“A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin” by John Collins
“Catechismus Minor” by Martin Luther ed. Edward Naumann (optional)
When: May 3 to Nov. 4, 2021
Where: Online & via Zoom
Time: Mondays and Thursdays 4 pm Eastern / 3 pm Central
Cost: on sale for $350 (one time offer)